I often write about my children, because they are brilliant (ahem), and I find they provide excellent examples of youth empowerment. Lest you think I'd turned off the gag-o-meter, however, today I'll give you a glimpse of their naughty side.
Our family's transition to summer vacation has felt the bumps and bruises that most households do. Until we all find our space, our schedule and our general "groove", it seems we're just going to have to step on toes for a bit.
But the other night, their naughtiness was in tandem. Although our bedtime routine has dropped off the atlas, we do attempt to get them in bed just after dark. We thought we'd succeeded.
When my husband hadn't gone right in to kiss them goodnight, they came out to the living room to kiss HIM goodnight. Odd. Fishy, even. But we resumed our conversation and forgot about it...
...until about a half hour later, when I looked toward the bedrooms and saw a faint light coming from my daughter's room. What's going on? I crept down the hall to investigate, peeked around the corner, and...
There they were, snuggled up in Deena's bed, reading Inkheart in the near-dark. They both looked up, knew they were caught, and giggled like kookaburras.
Book light? $5
Cornelia Funke paperback? $6.95
Your kid sneak-reading your other kid a bedtime story? Priceless
reading parenting siblings family empowerment responsibility
Our family's transition to summer vacation has felt the bumps and bruises that most households do. Until we all find our space, our schedule and our general "groove", it seems we're just going to have to step on toes for a bit.
But the other night, their naughtiness was in tandem. Although our bedtime routine has dropped off the atlas, we do attempt to get them in bed just after dark. We thought we'd succeeded.
When my husband hadn't gone right in to kiss them goodnight, they came out to the living room to kiss HIM goodnight. Odd. Fishy, even. But we resumed our conversation and forgot about it...
...until about a half hour later, when I looked toward the bedrooms and saw a faint light coming from my daughter's room. What's going on? I crept down the hall to investigate, peeked around the corner, and...
There they were, snuggled up in Deena's bed, reading Inkheart in the near-dark. They both looked up, knew they were caught, and giggled like kookaburras.
Book light? $5
Cornelia Funke paperback? $6.95
Your kid sneak-reading your other kid a bedtime story? Priceless
reading parenting siblings family empowerment responsibility
I used to get so darn hot, reading under the covers by torchlight when I was a kid. I also remember making a cubby under the bed and hiding under there with my brother, cookies and a lit candle. Do your kids ever build cubbies, Kelly?
BookChook, At
8:57 PM
Hello Susan - Yes, they do that too! They call them "forts" and use all sorts of mess-makers to build them;) Thanks for stopping by!
Kelly Curtis, At
10:24 PM
Kelly, that's a great story! :)
Anonymous, At
3:27 AM
Thanks for reading laurie!!
Kelly Curtis, At
7:42 AM
I LOVE this story! Too cute. We had a somewhat similar experience last week when we were on vacation in Yosemite National Park. We were driving through the park, getting to a place where we could get out and walk around. As my husband and I were ooh-ing and ah-ing over all the waterfalls and beauty, we noticed we weren't hearing anything from the back seat. This was the second day of our visit, and Sam and Katy (our 6-year-old twins) were pretty bored with the whole thing (at least from the viewpoint of the car; once we got outside, they loved it). Their dad and I kept bugging them: "Come on kids, check this out. You should be looking out the window, you don't see this every day..." (blah, blah, blah). Katy responded, "I don't care about that; I just want to read my book!"
How do you argue with that?!
Anonymous, At
4:24 PM
What a great story, Claudia. And you're right - what do you say? "No more reading?"
Thanks for commenting.
Kelly Curtis, At
4:30 PM
Oh, yes, I've experienced the same several times with my four tots and it always makes my heart go pitter-pat. The most recent was my 3-yr-old "reading" The Giving Tree to my 1-yr-old. It was the most still either had sat all day.
Pioneer Woman, At
3:49 PM
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