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Friday, July 14, 2006

Clothes Bake

It's ninety degrees out and we don't have an air conditioner. So I am NOT going to use the dryer. But there's that nagging dirty clothes problem. Our solution? An old-fashioned "clothes bake" on the deck. The kids wisely moved our underwear to a more discreet location.

Seems to work swimmingly, but I suppose we could invest in a clothesline.



  • Thanks Ro! I'll be over tomorrow! We're thinking 2 days in a row might push it with the neighbors;)

    By Blogger Kelly Curtis, At 10:01 PM  

  • I want a round one that has a peg hole in the ground... so you can take it down, fold it up like an umbrella, and have a pretty yard in between washes.

    I have that somewhere on my hubby's to do list.

    (ps. If you feel up to being "tagged" pull the little quiz over from my blog and share your answers with your readers. It doesn't ask anything about clothes line --- but you could put that in the change the world question)

    By Blogger Pamela, At 6:33 PM  

  • Ha ha ha, I'm sure you could get a clothesline for very cheap! At least you have a yard, I have to hang things off my shower rods and such!

    By Blogger Mama Duck, At 11:23 PM  

  • Hello Pamela and Mama Duck! Thanks for stopping by to check out my laundry system;)

    By Blogger Kelly Curtis, At 11:55 PM  

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