Mom's New Toy
Mad Scientist Matt tagged me in the AW Chain, with a post about the need for balance when driving racing cars, and how that sense of balance is missing in racing video games. From reading his blog, Matt sounds like a genius with anything related to engines. I think he would be a great help to our family, since we are having multiple technical problems.
For instance, it is the best boating month of the year (maybe century?) and our Jetski is sitting in the mechanic's yard awaiting a new motor. Of course, sense of balance is important with personal water craft as well -- something apparently I don't have. Our other boat isn't much healthier. It seems to leave us stranded in the middle of the lake half the time we take it out.
And we're pretty low-tech in the video arena as well. Curt loves digital games, but he left his Gameboy in Georgia this spring. Our TV doesn't work either. We're too busy to re-install the ugly antenna, and too cheap to pay for a dish.

But the most frustrating technical glitch happened a couple months ago, when an editor wanted my photo of Deena driving a skipjack for the cover of a magazine. She asked for the largest version of the photo, which I promptly sent. But her designer said my 3-megapixel Sony's photos would only decently enlarge to a 4x6. UGH!
So I splurged on a Canon Digital Rebel XT. Its high-definition 8-megapixels eat my Sony for a midnight snack.
Mom has a new toy.
The Road Less Traveled is next in the AW Chain. I can't wait to read it!
Here's the entire chain. If you have some time, please read through and comment!
Forbidden Snowflake
Fireflies in the Cloud
Mad Scientist Matt's Lair
Pass the Torch
The Road Less Traveled
Jennifer Sando
Flying Shoes
Southern Expressions
Organized Chaos
Kappa no He
Tiffany's Smorgasbord
Even in a Little Thing
Liv's Life
Everything Indian
awchain photography family boat
For instance, it is the best boating month of the year (maybe century?) and our Jetski is sitting in the mechanic's yard awaiting a new motor. Of course, sense of balance is important with personal water craft as well -- something apparently I don't have. Our other boat isn't much healthier. It seems to leave us stranded in the middle of the lake half the time we take it out.
And we're pretty low-tech in the video arena as well. Curt loves digital games, but he left his Gameboy in Georgia this spring. Our TV doesn't work either. We're too busy to re-install the ugly antenna, and too cheap to pay for a dish.

But the most frustrating technical glitch happened a couple months ago, when an editor wanted my photo of Deena driving a skipjack for the cover of a magazine. She asked for the largest version of the photo, which I promptly sent. But her designer said my 3-megapixel Sony's photos would only decently enlarge to a 4x6. UGH!
So I splurged on a Canon Digital Rebel XT. Its high-definition 8-megapixels eat my Sony for a midnight snack.
Mom has a new toy.
The Road Less Traveled is next in the AW Chain. I can't wait to read it!
Here's the entire chain. If you have some time, please read through and comment!
Forbidden Snowflake
Fireflies in the Cloud
Mad Scientist Matt's Lair
Pass the Torch
The Road Less Traveled
Jennifer Sando
Flying Shoes
Southern Expressions
Organized Chaos
Kappa no He
Tiffany's Smorgasbord
Even in a Little Thing
Liv's Life
Everything Indian
awchain photography family boat
Digital cameras make fun toys, don't they? I just bought an upgraded memory card for my little Minolta this week.
Mad Scientist Matt, At
2:00 PM
They do! And who needs TV with sunsets like those anyway?
Kelly Curtis, At
3:44 PM
I dropped our prehistoric model on the pavement last week, so it thinks the lens cover is on it all the time. So the hubby bought me a Canon Power Shot S2IS 5.0 mega pixels. I have no idea what that means. I just figure your's must be more extravagant.
He made sure the strap is on the new purchase so NOW ALL I HAVE TO DO IS REMEMBER to put that around my neck.
Pamela, At
9:40 PM
I don't know what that stuff means either. But I know mine doesn't fit in my hip pack anymore;)
Kelly Curtis, At
10:11 PM
That is a gorgeous sunset!
My digital camera is officially smarter than me. And my son is smarter than me because he can use it better than me!
Kappa no He, At
7:42 PM
hahahaha! That's a universal truth, kappa no he. I don't bother learning how to use most things anymore - kids will figure it out quicker.
But the Canon? That's all mine;)
I'm glad you like the sunset. It was a fantastic night.
Kelly Curtis, At
9:02 PM
That's a great camera, and it puts my canon s2 is to shame.
You should visit here:
It's a forum for canon owners with tons and tons of tips.
Matt, At
11:09 PM
Thanks Matt! I bookmarked the site - it's really great. Thank you for the tip!
Kelly Curtis, At
7:15 AM
I'm still waiting for the digital camera Fahim promised me for my birthday a year and a half ago. The one I have (which used to be his until I totally took it over) only lasts for about 30 to 50 photos before the battery dies. That's not even enough for a day! I tell you! Sheesh! :D
Anonymous, At
10:40 AM
Oh no! Cripes - sometimes I burn through 30 photos in about two minutes.
Time for an upgrade, my dear;)
Kelly Curtis, At
8:56 AM
I love that I can use my digital camera to shoot lots of pix without worrying about the cost of film or processing. At least with my (lack of) photography skills, only about 1 of 5 or so is a real keeper.
Peggy K, At
7:08 PM
I completely agree, Peggy. I could never go back to film now. Ever.
Kelly Curtis, At
9:23 PM
What a striking photo. I so want that camera! Is it really as wonderful as the fantasy I have of it?
Wendy Gunderson, At
11:10 AM
Yup, Wendy, it's just like the fantasy;) I never use my sony anymore - I drag the big one everywhere with me.
Kelly Curtis, At
2:12 PM
That is a beautiful sunset. Looks like some of the ones in Texas. I like taking pictures but could never afford to buy a decent camera. Oh well. One day. :)
Andrea Allison, At
2:00 AM
Gosh I can't wait to replace/upgrade my favorite toy as well- my very first digital camera that lasted all of one year and hasn't been used since December (when it broke). Broke my heart along with it; I love taking pictures!!! *sigh*
Your sunset photo is lovely!
Anonymous, At
8:02 PM
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