Dirty Laundry - Pass the Torch Tuesday

Welcome to Pass the Torch Tuesday, where bloggers share simple and stupendous times kids make us proud. (You have all the way through Tuesday to add your links.) Guidelines are simple:
1. Write about catching a kid being good.
2. Link to here from your post.
3. Permalink your post from here.
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Dirty Laundry
Pass the Torch Tuesday is about simple and stupendous times we catch kids being good, and this week my example is clearly "simple", but worthy of celebration nonetheless.
Curtis is very disorganized and his bedroom would sink to total mayhem if it weren't for my regular harping. He's also a flutterhead, and I really don't think it's intentional. I can repeat the same direction to him three times and he'll be very willing to go do what I ask, but when he returns a minute later, he still hasn't done the thing. I'll ask him about it and he says, "Oh YEAH!" and runs off again to take care of it. (Mind you, I do the same thing - it takes me three trips up the stairs before I remember what I meant to get on the first trip.)
I was washing clothes and I asked him to go downstairs to get his dirty laundry. He obediently went right down the steps to do what I asked. Deena came in the door a couple minutes later and was bounding down the steps when I called out for her to bring up her clothes too.
Curtis was just coming up the steps. And do you know what he said?
"I got her's too, Mom."
and she said.
"Thanks, Curt."
I'm now basking in simple goodness.
What made you proud this week??
If you have a Pass the Torch story to share, please link to it here or leave a note in comments. And be sure to check out my "Mother of all memes post" . It's a bonus PTT story and I'd love to see how many meme permalinks I can collect there.
Technorati Tags: Pass the Torch Tuesday Pass the Torch Developmental Assets
Hi Kelly,
I had so many I could have put in this week - all my DD, she's been so good LOL. I love it when siblings help each other out, makes your heart nearly burst doesn't it. BTW - my DD forgets to do what I've asked her even after going to do it all the time. I found out that they no reckon kids are programmed to get distracted and I believe it :)
Anonymous, At
8:16 PM
I didn't think that story was going that direction. I figured Deena would be getting his laundry instead.
I just want to say again how much I love this idea. I sometimes feel that I'm bragging too much if I post about the good things my kids do. It's nice to have an "excuse" for shouting to the world how proud I am of my kiddos.
Tonya, At
3:07 PM
Just when you think you have them figured out... lol. It's so nice to hear good news for a change, instead of all the horrible stuff going on in he world. :O)
Anonymous, At
4:11 PM
I really like this idea of bringing out the best in our kids, or other children we know.
I thought too, that your daughter would be bringing his clothes down.
This week, I don't think my children realize I how tired I get sometimes of hearing Mommy I need this or Mommy I need that, but my son brought me a nice cold glass of tea, without me asking....It just made my day!
Unknown, At
5:48 PM
It's funny that when you read my story you think Deena's going to bring the clothes. I think that's because our kids bedrooms are downstairs and the laundry is upstairs, which is different from most homes. Funny how we picture a story in our minds, isn't it?
I'm loving all your stories!! Be sure to pop around and visit everyone's. They're excellent!
Kelly Curtis, At
5:52 PM
Sorry I couldn't participate this week. The "sassy girl" is back. That's what my daughter calls it. Hopefully, next week will be better.
Anonymous, At
6:12 PM
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