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Friday, September 15, 2006

Halfway through 30 Days

Today I'll celebrate what's gone (relatively) well during the past week, regarding 30 Days of Nothing.

1. On a bike ride, Deena started talking about saving up for some handle bar finger warmers she saw on her uncle's bike. "I think I'd like to start buying things I decide I need, rather than buying things to eat (candy)." For us, this is a major shift in spending. So far this month, the kids have still not spent any of their money.

2. I've decided one of the main things I did right this month is to keep track of what we didn't buy, rather than what we did buy - since the "what we didn't buy" list is way shorter than the stuff we did buy.

3. Two of the four people in our family have made financial goals to include spend, save and give. To find out which two, check comments. The goals will be revealed next week.

4. I read the comment left on my last 30 Days entry by Laurie, a Canadian living in Sri Lanka, and got some perspective on poverty. I read the entry to Deena and got mostly silence, followed by, "Can we talk about something else now?" Awareness.

5. And I bought rice, but have yet to psych myself up for an entire day of the stuff. To be continued...

More 30 Days posts:
Pre-30 Days
Day 1
Week 1
Week 2

For more participants in this project, visit Intent.
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  • Deena and Curt have written their financial goals (but Mom and Dad haven't yet.)

    By Blogger Kelly Curtis, At 9:38 AM  

  • Wow what an interesting family challenge! Good luck and awesome to do it!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:14 AM  

  • Thanks for the update! My kids are going through all kinds of evolutions with this. The first week two of them cried and spent the whole time dreaming about what they would buy in a month. They've changed their minds so many times, I think they are beginning to grasp that *waiting* before you buy is a good thing. We still have a long way to go!

    It's so exciting to see what is happening in each of you.

    We are half way there! Keep going. :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:47 AM  

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