The berries are ripe in Wisconsin!! I've been taking my kids berry picking for the past several July's, so I have a unique take on the activity.
Thirteen things about berry picking with kids:
1. The sweetest berries are really red.
2. Or really black.
3. Don't bother with a bucket.
4. The prepared picker douses the kids with mosquito repellent first.
5. The unprepared picker leashes her child so that the mosquitoes don't fly away with him.
6. If you're out for a walk and see the bike, but no kid, check in the bushes.
7. Watch for weeds that itch, sting or swallow your children.
8. Wash well after picking, just in case you didn't notice the three-leafed demon that brushed against all your legs.
9. Long sleeves and long pants are helpful, though they might be unrealistic on 90-degree days.
10. Berries are only ripe on 90-degree days.
11. In the off chance that you return home with some of the sweet morsels, they can be added to almost anything to make it more palatable.
12. Raspberry artichokes may or may not be palatable.
13. When you think they're all picked out -- but your kids are still shoving them in by the handful -- squat. You'll get a whole new perspective.
The best berries are UNDER the leaves.
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TNChick Pink Chihuahua Princess Incoherent-ish Lil Duck DuckExceedingly Mundane Thursday Thirteen berry picking mosquitoes mosquitoes